Ray White Now – May 2024
Click here to view this month’s report.
It it with such appreciation we received this thank you from Bomaderry Public for assisting with the Reading Rewards Program.
We would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you ” for your ongoing support with our Reading Rewards Program. Without the assistance from such generous businesses like yourselves our reading program would never be as successful as it is now.
The children at Bomaderry Public School are truly thankful for your support.
The results and improvements are staggering and we really are all working together to instill the LOVE, IMPORTANCE, KNOWLEDGE and JOY you can gain from reading.
I have included a copy of our latest newsletter to let you know what we have going on at the school to celebrate Book Week, National Literacy and Numeracy Week and our own achievements within our reading program.
We are happy to continue to advertise the fabulous businesses who support us in different ways.
A whole community shapes the child
Thanking you again
Sharon and Staff at Bomaderry Public School
Click here to view this month’s report.